WARNING: Mo Pai Scammers


Staff member
Are you interested in practicing the Mo Pai method? We understand that information can be difficult to find. The level one practice is a simple meditation and is available freely on the web. In your search for training information we advise that you keep a sharp eye out for scam artists that seek to use the secrecy surrounding Mo Pai to exploit you for profit. Below we have outlined known Mo Pai con artists and promoters of false information. Please avoid their books and training material.

  • Shifu Lin
  • James Van Gelder
  • Jeff McDuffie
  • William Beattie
Jeff Mcduffie is not a scam his pdf is the nei kung used in Taoist thunder magick that is the system used by mo pai. He is missing a few things but what he’s missing is not hard to come by most fetal respiration or the development of Yuen qi which will happen naturally half way through filling the Dan tien. Only issue with his is that he gets this gate keeper complex. That’s kinda how cults start so just take the practice it’s free and then leave it it that. The rest of them don’t waste your time. Don’t look at any of these people like Demi gods lol it’s gets ridiculous. Jason read from Mao Shan has the same stuff Jeff’s pdf is just very direct and straightforward.